硬地滾球 Boccia


張 沅 CHEUNG Yuen


女子BC4級個人賽 Women’s BC4 Individual Event
混合BC4級雙人賽 Mixed BC4 Pairs Event

HO Yuen Kei

何宛淇 HO Yuen Kei


女子BC3級個人賽 Women’s BC3 Individual Event
混合BC3級雙人賽 Mixed BC3 Pairs Event

LEUNG Yuk Wing

梁育榮 LEUNG Yuk Wing


男子BC4級個人賽 Men’s BC4 Individual Event
混合BC4級雙人賽 Mixed BC4 Pairs Event


龍子健 LOUNG John


男子BC1級個人賽 Men’s BC1 Individual Event

TSE Tak Wah

謝德樺 TSE Tak Wah


男子BC3級個人賽 Men’s BC3 Individual Event
混合BC3級雙人賽 Mixed BC3 Pairs Event


楊曉林 YEUNG Hiu Lam


女子BC2級個人賽 Women’s BC2 Individual Event

比賽 Competition

球賽在一個12.5米乘6米平滑的木地或膠地上進行,比賽最終目的是在規定的區域內,把自己的球(六個紅或藍色)盡量投近目標球(白色球) 。每局比賽雙方完成所有投球後,裁判會判決結果,最接近目標球的一方便獲得分數。


The game is played on a flat and smooth court (12.5m x 6m) with hard wooden or plastic surface. The goal is to throw the boccia balls (six red or blue balls) as close as possible to a white target ball, which is called the ‘jack’. Scores will be determined by the referee after all balls are thrown by both sides. The side with the ball closest to the jack will score one point.

There are three competition categories: Individual, Pairs and Team. In the Individual event, the match consists of four ends and each athlete will throw six balls per end. There are also four ends in the Pair event and each athlete will throw three balls per end (six balls for one side). The Team event will play six ends, two balls per athlete per end (six balls for one side). Time limit applies to all categories. Each side shall play within the time limit set for each end. The timekeeper will start timing when the referee signals the side to start playing until the moment the ball comes to a standstill or crosses the court boundaries.

級別鑑定 Classification


Athletes are categorized into four classes (BC1, BC2, BC3 and BC4) according to their physical and functional abilities. Among the four classes, BC3 athletes have very severe locomotor dysfunction that they have insufficient range of movement to propel the boccia ball onto the court; they will use a ramp to deliver the ball and compete with the help of an assistant who must keep his/her back to the court and eyes averted from the game. BC1 athletes can throw the ball with his/her hand or foot. They may also compete with an assistant who stays outside of the player’s box, to stabilize or adjust the wheelchair and give the ball to the athlete when requested. BC2 and BC4 athletes are not eligible to have assistants during the competition.

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